We ball dragon ball z song
We ball dragon ball z songwe ball dragon ball z song

"My goodness, Toma! You're heavily injured!" said Malaka and kept him inside a Rejuvenation Tank.Īfter a while Toma had healed. The guard ran to the Medical Room, found a stretcher and hauled the Saiyan on it. The Saiyan did not argue and he collapsed on the floor. "Sir! What happened to you? You need medical attention immediately!" the guard said. His armor was broken and chipped at several places and he had several cuts and bruises on his face. The door opened and came out a young man of about 16 years old. A guard at the Landing Platform waited for the Pod to land. To Assex! Ī Saiyan Space Pod could be seen at the distance. The theme song for Z: AR is choosen to be "Battle Of Omega" The song can be found here.Events from Dragon Ball SE have been imported! Raging Blast.Dragon Ball Z: AR just started! Raging Blast.Sometimes you will find a situation like this: "Part1 of direct speech *Some happening* Part2 of direct speach" someone + Verb' that means that whille talkin, the person does someting to talk to another person.When you find a direct speach like this: *Direct speech* someone + Verb that means that the person is thinking and he could not be heard.When you find a direct speech like this: "Direct speech" someone + Verb that means that the talk of that person could be heard.

We ball dragon ball z song